Jacky Oh’s Surgeon Dragged After Going Online To Promote His Business, Ignoring Her Death

Jacky Oh’s Surgeon Dragged After Going Online To Promote His Business, Ignoring Her Death

Jacky Oh’s surgeon finally speaks out following her passing while undergoing a mommy makeover. Despite them offering followers a behind the scene’s look at her work, he went ghost online as soon as reports hit the net of her death. Now he is trying to clear his name, and fans are upset that he has not properly apologized.

Dr. Zach is a Miami-based surgeon in the cosmetic industry. In a statement from his official social media account, Zach speaks directly to all his past, current and prospective patients. “PH-1 Miami remains devoted to the highest quality medical care. All aesthetic procedures are performed in a hygienically safe environment to universally recognized medical standards.”



Dr. Zach continued, “I am relentlessly committed to advancing techniques in the realm of plastic surgery. Most importantly, my staff and I ensure that each patient is vetted.” For the remainder of the post, Dr. Zach discussed how he and his team fight to give their clients the best experience possible, with no mention of Jacky Oh or what went wrong during her procedure.



Fans immediately questioned his intentions asking, “Damn is he saying I apologize or that business is still open?”

Another commented, “Do not give this man or clinic any more of your money! Boycott them, and let’s see how fast that apology comes.” Others more familiar with the medical world reveal that even under the best care, you cannot always predict how a body will react to surgery.



“Everybody’s body reacts differently to things. ESPECIALLY SURGERY. The surgery may have been successful, but then she may have started to have complications as she was resting.”


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